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Through my eyes

About Me


When i was young, I was always seen a tomboy. I wanted to build my knex and lego, always getting satisfaction out of seeing the end product once complete. This is still true today, with my love for lego continuing and now, my love for building knex has changed into the love of building flat pack furniture. I love Maths, Science and anything hands on. This resulted in my love for STEM subjects and my degree in Business Mathematics.

Having now worked in both Logistics and IT for 10 years, both male dominated industries, I am passionate about getting girls in STEM subjects, and within IT, Women in Tech.

About My Blog

jesslbatty is where I share my thoughts on the changing landscape of tech, subjects i am passionate about or a quick thought i had on a train or while driving. 

These are all my own thoughts and opinions. What do you think? Do you agree? Do you have another angle on a subject that you can share with me? 

I want this to be a platform where you not only understand my own thinking, but a place where you can share yours with me as well.

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